Precursor.ca GitHub Repo |
Some of our projects (like Munki Self-Service items) reside in our GitHub repo. |
API Starter Kit |
7.9M |
A collection of starter kits for REST API integration with various services like DNSfilter, Hudu, Mosyle, MunkiReport, ScoutDNS, Slack, Watchman Monitoring, and Zendesk. |
Calculate remote backup time |
320K |
Calculate how long a remote backup will take based on your internet upload speed. |
Precursor Web App v 2.0 |
html |
A 21st century business card for iOS users! Explore our web presence (Apple Consultants Network, FileMaker Business Alliance, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, and Yelp); Contact us via Phone, SMS, Email, Skype; Check out the latest news from Precursor.ca; and, read our new Blog! It also has a special, mobile version of our Precursor Trouble Report Form. Share it with others by having them scan the special QR Code! |
Precursor Dock icon Installer v.1.0.6 |
1.6M |
The Precursor "P" Dock icon installer is a utility we created for customers to expedite and document their requests for support. All our annual support contact customers have this available in their Dock. Download your copy today. (macOS Catalina compatible) |
My i.p. address is:
| My OS is:
| My Browser is:
html |
This is the external/public (WAN) address of your network. For local (LAN) info check your System Prefs. |
Check AppleCare Coverage |
html |
Find out your AppleCare Warrantee status using the Apple Support web site. |
Get Remote Support Now |
html |
Download and install our remote client to get support now. |
BackBlaze Installer |
html |
BackBlaze is a $5/month unlimited cloud backup with easy-to-use OS X and iOS apps engineered by former Apple employees. Download, install and start backing up today! |
DocketFolderSet Script v.5.0 |
1.8M |
This much requested script automates the process of creating a set of nested folders bearing a docket number and customer name so that you can organize your fonts, graphics, audio, video, and revisions more easily for each job. (macOS Sonoma compatible) |
PSPathCounter v.1.0.1 |
63K |
This script will give you the character count of a file path to help with long files names and compatibility with storage on a server. (macOS Sonoma compatible) |
Clear Desktop v.1.0.0 |
41K |
Inspired by a tip from Charles Edge at Krypted.com, I created this AppleScript to quickly clear and restore the Desktop folder for those times when you are presenting and want to be neat and tidy! (macOS Sonoma compatible) |
PS Rebuild Mail Script v.4.0.0 |
1.1M |
The PS Rebuild Mail script rebuild the database of Apple Mail from scratch and is useful when searching in Mail is not working even though Spotlight searching of Mail in the Finder still works. (macOS Monterey compatible) |
PS Mail Vacuum Script v.4.0.0 |
1.1M |
The PS Mail Vacuum script is designed to optimize the database of Apple Mail in an effort to alleviate the hangs and stalls that some users of Mail when Mail seems to get in an endless loop of fetches as it tries to update its cache. (macOS Monterey compatible) |
PS Network Quality v.1.0.1 |
1.1M |
The PS Network Quality will do a network upload/download speed test in parallel to simulate real world conditions. (requires macOS Monterey) |
Check IP Launch Daemon v.1.0.0 |
51K |
Inspired by an idea of FogdogIT's Justen Wattenbarger, I created this launch daemon to watch a static i.p. and notify if it changes.Requires a working Apple Mail account on the computer doing the watching. |